Blink Murder

The Main Task

Blink Murder is the name we gave to the film that we made the opening sequence for as part of our main task. The brief was to create a 2 minute opening sequence for a film of any genre, including titles and a soundtrack, with no copyrighted materials. Please click the HQ option at the side to view in high quality and improve your viewing experience! Enjoy : )

The Prelim - Ugliest Jumper Ever

The Preliminary Exercise

This is our preliminary exercise, which we called Ugliest Jumper Ever. The aim was to create a sequence demonstrating good continuity techniques, and had to show match on action, shot/reverse-shot, and the 180-degree rule. The brief stated that it had to be 30 seconds long, and comprise of a character opening a door, crossing a room, and sitting down in a chair opposite another character with whom s/he exchanges a few lines of dialogue. Again, please click the HQ option for a better viewing experience!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I like how our idea has developed a lot from our original concept, which, although I liked, I felt was going to have a lot of complications but maybe not be that interesting. However, I think everyone's been making really good contributions to bring it along, and we've expanded a lot on certain ideas and had better ideas about how to show things and what shots to use - but it has got a bit too ambitious at times - Mrs Blackborow's feedback included that, although the beginning twist is good, it's a lot to fit in and be taken in by the audience in just two minutes, which on reflection I realise could be a problem, and we'll have to think hard about how we can get around it - i.e. not putting in too much to take in, but enough to deliver enough information. So I guess we'll see how that develops!

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