Low key lighting, black & white
High angle/overhead medium shot (MS) of man (C1), lying on wooden surface, suggesting he was pushed down or he is hurt. He is holding a gun, and looking just to the (audience's) left of the camera - he is pointing the gun at the same place where he's looking, so this is presumably a person with whom he is in some kind of confrontation. He has a pained/despairing expression, and seems to be clutching his ear, which suggests that perhaps he has been injured there. The man is wearing a dark jacket, shirt, and tie. The high angle shows it almost from the point of view (POV) of someone looking down at the man, which is more involving for the audience. The framing and shot distance means we're focused only on the man, and can also see his expression.
High angle/overhead medium shot (MS) of man (C1), lying on wooden surface, suggesting he was pushed down or he is hurt. He is holding a gun, and looking just to the (audience's) left of the camera - he is pointing the gun at the same place where he's looking, so this is presumably a person with whom he is in some kind of confrontation. He has a pained/despairing expression, and seems to be clutching his ear, which suggests that perhaps he has been injured there. The man is wearing a dark jacket, shirt, and tie. The high angle shows it almost from the point of view (POV) of someone looking down at the man, which is more involving for the audience. The framing and shot distance means we're focused only on the man, and can also see his expression.
Shot 2
Black and white, low-key lighting
Very long shot (VLS) high angle (HA) of two men, one is C1, the other is standing over him (C2). The VLS shows water around the wooden surface which we can deduce is a pier.
C2 is standing over C1 and pointing a gun at him - he has the power. However, his back is to the camera so we can't see his expression, but we can see what's going on and how vulnerable and helpless C1 is. He is no longer holding a gun, and has perhaps been shot, as there seems to be a splatter of blood to the (audience) left of C1, illuminated by the lighting. It is quite dark and there is a moonlit effect to the scene, which suggests it's night time.
Very long shot (VLS) high angle (HA) of two men, one is C1, the other is standing over him (C2). The VLS shows water around the wooden surface which we can deduce is a pier.
C2 is standing over C1 and pointing a gun at him - he has the power. However, his back is to the camera so we can't see his expression, but we can see what's going on and how vulnerable and helpless C1 is. He is no longer holding a gun, and has perhaps been shot, as there seems to be a splatter of blood to the (audience) left of C1, illuminated by the lighting. It is quite dark and there is a moonlit effect to the scene, which suggests it's night time.
Shot 3
Low-key lighting, black and white.
Extreme long shot (ELS) -> more establising of scene - night, on a pier.
City lights in background & outline in background.
This shot shows two more characters - a young girl (C3), who is just about visible, seemingly tied to one of the posts, having to watch what's going on, and another man (C4) standing further left in the shot, behind C2. C4 is very sinister-looking, in a long black coat. C2 doesn't seem to be holding the gun any more and is leaning slightly towards C1, possibly talking to him. C4 is standin a little behind C2 and looking at him/C1, and also looks like he could be speaking. He might be telling C2 to do something. C1 seems to be moving, possibly trying to get up - his head and knees are up. The light is reflecting off of the main characters outlining and drawing attention to them, and there is still the effect of moonlight over the scene.
Shot 4
Low-key lighting, black and white.
VLS, closer than shot 3. More of the cityscape is seen in the background. Three characters are shown - C1, C2, and C3, and the girl can be seen more clearly as the shot is a bit closer. C1 is still lying on the floor, unable to move, and helpless. C2 is standing over him again holding a gun pointed at him - one of his feet is more faced towards the camera and the girl -> body language showing he has turned back to C1 almost as an afterthought or without much care, or that he is about to go to the girl - she is more important. His coat is blowing in the wind or with his movement, which would suggest it was swift and with purpose. C3 is facing away from the camera.
Shot 5
Shot 5
Low-key lighting, black and white.
Medium close-up (MCU) of girl's (C3) face. The camera is showing her right side (audience's left) more, and she is watching something off camera - the men with guns - perhaps C1 has just been shot - and she has a distressed expression and is crying. The MCU lets the audience see her expression, so it's a much more dramatic and effective shot. Her hair is also a bit ruffled, suggesting she's not been at home with her mother/father looking after her. You can see water in the background.
Shot 6
Low-key lighting, black and white.
ELS, slight low angle (LA). Camera positioned at end of pier - audience has a new perspective. Background shows some kind of factory chimney? with lots of smoke/fumes/mist. C4 looks very calm and still, and seems to have one hand in his pocket, and is watching from behind, facing the camera but looking at the body of C1. C2 is leaning over/bent slightly towards C1 again, but at audience right. He seems to have quite a pained expression on his face. C1 is lying completely down, still, and presumably dead. The girl is facing the body but seems to be looking away (as you would!), and possibly looking at C4.
As a sequence...
The different camera positions for each shot reveals to us the scene slowly, though the main event of the scene (C1 being shot) would really be very quick. All the different angles and positions and shot distances give the audience different perspectives, and we learn more in each shot. However, we still don't know who's who, and whether the good guys or the bad guys prevail - and which one's the protagonist of the film (unless you've seen it). It's a very intense, dramatic sequence, and is very stylistic in that it's all black and white, which, no doubt, makes it very memorable.
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