Blink Murder

The Main Task

Blink Murder is the name we gave to the film that we made the opening sequence for as part of our main task. The brief was to create a 2 minute opening sequence for a film of any genre, including titles and a soundtrack, with no copyrighted materials. Please click the HQ option at the side to view in high quality and improve your viewing experience! Enjoy : )

The Prelim - Ugliest Jumper Ever

The Preliminary Exercise

This is our preliminary exercise, which we called Ugliest Jumper Ever. The aim was to create a sequence demonstrating good continuity techniques, and had to show match on action, shot/reverse-shot, and the 180-degree rule. The brief stated that it had to be 30 seconds long, and comprise of a character opening a door, crossing a room, and sitting down in a chair opposite another character with whom s/he exchanges a few lines of dialogue. Again, please click the HQ option for a better viewing experience!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

To The Moderator

Dear Moderator,
Welcome to my Foundation Portfolio blog!! Thanks for taking the time to look at this one and my group blog too, and I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed creating them :)
I have my group blog linked to my individual blog, and hopefully it'll be easy to navigate - on the blog list on the right you'll find links to:
  • my group blog
  • the blogs for the other members of my group
  • our teacher's central blog, called BLK'S BLOG, which has links to all the student & group blogs

On my individual blog is all of my individual research, initial ideas, and planning, from the project's beginnings and mainly the early stages before we got into our groups. You'll also find my preliminary task work including the video, reflections on the project's development, and my responses to the evaluation questions.

My group blog has evidence of the planning and project development work as a group, and research that influenced and inspired our project that we did together.

I've linked my finished film opening sequence, Blink Murder, to both my individual blog and the group blog - it can be found at the top of the blog.

I've done my best to organise my blogs, so I hope you find it easy to navigate them :) All posts are organised in date order from November 2008, when we started the project, to February 2009 when we finished it. There are labels to identify all the research, planning, and evaluation work that I've completed on my individual blog. We've used the same system on the group blog, and I've also labelled the posts I was individually responsible for with my name.

I hope you like my blogs, and once again, enjoy!

Thank you! :)

Mia Obertelli 5610